Stock Information
(Common Stock)
Minimum 15 minutes delayed. Source: LSEG
NVR, Inc. does not endorse, update or accept responsibility for statements on third-party sites, such as, Inc. NVR, Inc. does not monitor or exercise any control over third parties' statements or websites, including those of, Inc.
NVR, Inc.'s business, financial condition and performance, and stock price may be influenced by certain risks. Please review the detailed discussion of these Risk Factors.
The data presented (including definitions) is provided by, Inc. NVR, Inc. neither represents or warrants that the data provided is current and accurate.
NVR, Inc.'s business, financial condition and performance, and stock price may be influenced by certain risks. Please review the detailed discussion of these Risk Factors.
The data presented (including definitions) is provided by, Inc. NVR, Inc. neither represents or warrants that the data provided is current and accurate.